{ "background" : { "name" : "adventurer", "pgNumber" : 50 }, "powerSource" : { "name" : "genius", "pgNumber" : 68 }, "archetype" : { "name" : "robot/cyborg", "pgNumber" : 82 }, "personality" : { "name" : "Impulsive", "pgNumber" : 101 }, "principles" : [ { "name" : "principle of the indestructible", "pageNumber" : 127 }, { "name" : "principle of the powerless", "pageNumber" : 129 } ], "powers" : [ { "name" : "lightning calculator", "category" : "intellectual", "dieRating" : 8 }, { "name" : "signature weaponry", "category" : "", "dieRating" : 8 }, { "name" : "powered suit", "category" : "technological", "dieRating" : 10 }, { "name" : "awareness", "category" : "intellectual", "dieRating" : 8 }, { "name" : "flight", "category" : "mobility", "dieRating" : 6 }, { "name" : "swinging", "category" : "swinging", "dieRating" : 10 } ], "qualities" : [ { "name" : "finesse", "category" : "physical", "dieRating" : 10 }, { "name" : "acrobatics", "category" : "physical", "dieRating" : 8 }, { "name" : "otherworldly mythos", "category" : "information", "dieRating" : 10 }, { "name" : "self-discipline", "category" : "mental", "dieRating" : 6 } ], "greenAbilities" : [ { "name" : "living arsenal", "powerSelection" : "swinging", "qualitySelection" : "", "boostSelection" : "", "traitSelection" : "swinging " }, { "name" : "metal skin", "powerSelection" : "", "qualitySelection" : "", "boostSelection" : "", "traitSelection" : "" } ], "yellowAbilities" : [ { "name" : "expanded mind", "powerSelection" : "lightning calculator", "qualitySelection" : "", "boostSelection" : "", "traitSelection" : "lightning calculator " }, { "name" : "a plan for everything", "powerSelection" : "signature weaponry", "qualitySelection" : "", "boostSelection" : "", "traitSelection" : "signature weaponry " }, { "name" : "self-improvement", "powerSelection" : "awareness", "qualitySelection" : "", "boostSelection" : "", "traitSelection" : "awareness " } ], "redAbilities" : [ { "name" : "give time", "powerSelection" : "lightning calculator", "qualitySelection" : "", "boostSelection" : "", "traitSelection" : "lightning calculator " }, { "name" : "take down", "powerSelection" : "flight", "qualitySelection" : "", "boostSelection" : "", "traitSelection" : "flight " } ], "outAbility" : { "name" : "The hero who goes directly after you may take 1 damage to reroll their dice pool.", "powerSelection" : "", "qualitySelection" : "", "boostSelection" : "", "traitSelection" : "" }, "seed" : -8490962093548259624 }